Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Turkey's Erdogan: Kurd leader's autonomy call 'treason' - Al Jazeera English

Turkey's Erdogan: Kurd leader's autonomy call 'treason' - Al Jazeera English:

It`s all about The Class Struggle. Putin, Erdogan, Assad, and Sisi, represent Status Quo for The Upper and Middle Class, Capitalist Bourgeois. This is Why, The West has been so lethargic in its prosecution of these Neo Fascists. Thailand, South America, (Wisconsin ?) The Economic Crisis Class Struggle, that began in Greece, Tunisia, and Zuccotti Square, has escalated into outright World War !

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Congressional Republicans Vow To Roll Back 'Unacceptable' Iran Deal

Congressional Republicans Vow To Roll Back 'Unacceptable' Iran Deal:

The Reactionary Right needs Conflict like Wall Street needs its Low Wage Foreign Markets. Behind this lurks the real reason why Congress has been so slow to act on the Reactionary Atrocities in Northern Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Thailand and Mexico. Best of Wishes on a Brave New Future for The Iranian Republic. 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Greece debt crisis: Athens accepts harsh austerity as bailout deal nears | Business | The Guardian

Greece debt crisis: Athens accepts harsh austerity as bailout deal nears | Business | The Guardian:

SYRIZA is not the KKE 

Time and Time again, Politics and Liberalism have proven they are not the means of Progress.

When the Demonstrations turn to Majority Rule for the KKE, and the Baby Blue Helmets are called in to restore Freedom and Democracy to Greece; 

Then shall we see The True Nature of this Crisis, Indeed  !

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Mission Clean India: Building one latrine at a time - Al Jazeera English

Mission Clean India: Building one latrine at a time - Al Jazeera English:

If The World were a Macrocosm for Man, in Gods Image, 
and India, were the distant looming horizon, on his Original State. 
And the Civilization and History, of the Nation we know as India, 
were only an endeavour, to such ends; 
would there still be a purpose, towards the Modernization of her Humble and Ceremonial culture ? 
Sure as the Atom Bomb or Bollywood; 
Nevertheless, India`s "Great Leap Forward" should yet be Conscientious of her needs, with regards to her Indigenous heritage and traditions. Agrasth !

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Massive anti-austerity march as Portugal prepares for national elections » peoplesworld

Massive anti-austerity march as Portugal prepares for national elections » peoplesworld:

First Greece goes SYRIZA
and now Portugal is seeing Green and Red !

Altogether Elsewhere, Latin America teeters on the brink, between Socialism and Capitalist Bourgeois Fascism


Sunday, March 8, 2015

ISIS Militants Destroy Iraq's Ancient Hatra City: Officials

ISIS Militants Destroy Iraq's Ancient Hatra City: Officials:

When ISIS first made The Front Page; I. was sympathetic to
the cause of fundamentalist Muslim nationalism, on the grounds of Self
Determination. What right did we have to question another Society's endeavor to
succeed as order of the day; Global Humanity, The Euro, Christianity ? I. saw
the so called Atrocities these fanatical rebels were committing, as no
different from any of the competing forces about them, including Israel and the
Allied Coalition. As a Socialist, I. saw ISIS as simply an Arab Spring, or a
Muslim Brotherhood on Steroids; anticipating the eventual evolution from Muslim
Fundamentalism, into Muslim Republic as providing the best prospect on current
trends towards Left Wing parliamentary representation. How were the situations
in Tunisia, Syria, Bahrain, or Egypt, any better ?
But Alas, the movement of late, has shown the lack of
Leadership and Integrity, so common to all Mob Revolts and Anarchist Riots.
This is no Cultural Revolution, no Purge of all that is Bourgeois; The cold
hard fact of the matter is, this is nothing more than a Joy Ride, a Looting,
and Pillaging of all that is unattainable by sympathetic means of Shame, Hate,
and the Lust for Power.

Nothing ever accomplished by either The Soviet Union, The
Peoples Party, or even The Ottoman Empire, cold serve as prerequisite for this.
What a waste of Revolutionary Ideal. The Lower Classes of The Near East and
Africa must get wise to this Fail in the guise of  Islamic Fundamentalism, or it shall doom
their greatest hopes, ultimately.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

'It's Heartbreaking': Already Down, Wisconsin Unions Reckon With Right-To-Work

'It's Heartbreaking': Already Down, Wisconsin Unions Reckon With Right-To-Work:

How once again, we are forced to reckon with differences between the ideas of Organized Labor, Labor Movement, Workers Party, Socialism, and Communism. Differences that The Class War has now made clear as the rising sun. Labours complacency to Ends Meet, is slowly pouring The Working Class into the same bucket as The Poor and The Homeless. Bipartisan negotiation with The Ruling Class Bourgeois is only doomed to end in the type of Fascist Despotism we now see in Russia, Egypt, Syria, and Thailand.  The Truth lies in the Threats and Subversion so apparent in places like Venezuela, Tunisia, Greece, and now right in the mailbox in Wisconsin.  

"Defenseless under the night
Our world in stupor lies;
Yet, dotted everywhere,
Ironic points of light
Flash out wherever the Just
Exchange their messages:
May I, composed like them
Of Eros and of dust,
Beleaguered by the same
Negation and despair,
Show an affirming flame."

W.H. Auden